How to make Mozzarella - aren’t you glad we do the hard work for you!

Raspberry and Chocolate With Almonds Grilled Cheese

Raspberry and Chocolate With Almonds Grilled Cheese

The tone is set for a great grilled cheese with the first slice of bread. Or in this case, loaf of angel food cake. Light and airy on the inside, the buttered slices of angel food cake crisp up to deliver a delicate exterior for the melted insides of the grilled cheese. If angel cake isn’t your thing or you’re looking for a sturdier outside, try a sweetened brioche or challah bread to keep the dessert theme going.

SilkAir adds new connections from Singapore to Laos

INGAPORE Airlines subsidiary SilkAir will be launching thrice-weekly flights from Singapore to Laos come October 31.

It will operate a circular route between Singapore, Vientiane and Luang Prabang on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays aboard an Airbus A320 configured with business and economy class cabins.

How To Make the Best Macaroni and Cheese on the Stove

How To Make the Best Macaroni and Cheese on the Stove

Whatever the reason, whatever the occasion, a bowl of this mac and cheese will always spell comfort. Here's the best, most classic recipe I know, with step-by-step pictures to guide you.

Wine and Cheese Pairing

Wine and Cheese Pairing

Wine and cheese are two of life’s great culinary pleasures, and finding the perfect match can be a delicious endeavor. As with any wine and food pairing, there are a number of considerations, such as texture, acidity, fat and tannin. Rather than complicating the topic with exotic matches like Garrotxa and Meursault, we have broken the art of wine and cheese pairing down, so you can create your own.

How to eat ... buffalo mozzarella

This week, I spent an hour with the chef and owner of Corso 32 and Bar Bricco, discussing, and eating, buffalo mozzarella. I have never personally cooked with the slick, white balls packed in brine. But on my first trip to Italy three years ago, I tasted the cheese, fresh, in the country from which it hails. It was a creamy-soft, and heady, experience that feels too distant now to even be described, like trying to remember what it was like to brush my lips across the downy heads of my babies. Since Italy, I have been thinking about the cheese, and wondering how to get it into my life without the expense of another trip.